Guide for the diagnosis and treatment of otitis media with effusion

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Juan Camilo Ospina García
Paula Andrea Téllez Cortés
María Mónica Baquero Hoyos
Santiago Hernández González
Camilo Macías Tolosa
Luis Humberto Jiménez Fandiño
Manuela Alejandra Rodríguez
María Mónica Martínez del Rio


Otitis media with effusion (OME) is a disease characterized by fluid accumulation in the middle ear, without symptoms or signs of acute infection (1-3). The main symptom is hearing impairment. Diagnosis is based on clinical suspicion, a physical examination with pneumatoscopy, and the results of appropriate audiometry and tympanometry if necessary. (1-3).


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Ospina García JC, Téllez Cortés PA, Baquero Hoyos MM, Hernández González S, Macías Tolosa C, Jiménez Fandiño LH, Rodríguez MA, Martínez del Rio MM. Guide for the diagnosis and treatment of otitis media with effusion. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2025Feb.28 [cited 2025Mar.3];52(4). Available from:
Guías de Manejo


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