Recomendations for the practice of otology and audiology during COVID-19

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Santiago Hernández-González
Juan Felipe Monroy
María Teresa Rodríguez-Ruiz
Elisa Gutiérrez-Gómez
María Camila Villegas-Echeverri
Diana Guerrero
Alexandra Quintero


Until now, it is not known with certainty if the SARS-CoV-2 virus is found in the mucosa that covers the Eustachian tube, the middle ear and the mastoid, but it is quite probable that it is, given the relationship that exists with the mucosa of the naso and oropharynx, anatomical sites where a high viral load has clearly been documented.

The definition of safety-related aspects in comprehensive otological practice is currently under construction in the context of the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19). This document aims to compile the national and international knowledge and experiences related in order to be applied in the day to day of our medical practice as specialists. It is important to mention that the content of these guidelines should be updated as new information or evidence becomes known as it is constantly changing.


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Hernández-González S, Monroy JF, Rodríguez-Ruiz MT, Gutiérrez-Gómez E, Villegas-Echeverri MC, Guerrero D, Quintero A. Recomendations for the practice of otology and audiology during COVID-19. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020May7 [cited 2024Dec.21];48(1):55 - 63. Available from:


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